Daily Archives: June 10, 2012

Announcement: Sungkyunkwan Scandal Recaps (Upcoming)

Hey everyone! Here’s the latest recapping project which I’ll be undertaking with the help of Raine from Raine’s Dichotomy. We decided on this project a few weeks ago, when Fashion King and Rooftop Prince were still running and both were driving us out of our minds, the former for all the wrong reasons and the latter for all the best possible reasons! The reason we followed both series? Fasion King-Yoo Ah In *cringes at remembering it* and Rooftop Prince-Micky Yoochun *swoooonnnnnsssss*. When the idea for collaborating on recaps came up, we were at a loss about what to recap, realizing we wanted more of Yoochun and somehow to restore Yoo Ah In to his former glory days in our minds. The answer came in a jiffy at that- Sungkyunkwan Scandal.

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