Daily Archives: July 30, 2013

Heartless City Episode 20 Recap [Final]


Wow, ten weeks of a roller coaster ride with our resident baddie Park Sa is just one of a kind experience. I still remember the feeling I had the first time he strolled through Jo Oh’s mansion-ready for a coup, calm as you please while the world fought on around him. ‘Now that’s BADASS!’ is what I thought, and the subsequent episodes took things to levels that I didn’t even think of! And now it’s time to bid it goodbye!

I’m going into this episode not knowing what to expect since I didn’t get the chance to check out the preview. Now I just hope the ending leaves me satisfied, if not happy! But seriously, after 19 episodes of having such close brushes with death and danger, doesn’t our hero deserve a happy ending?

Note after watching: SERIOUSLY WRITER?! Or as Soo said it, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!”

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