Attention Please Episode III Recap

The third episode of Attention Please takes us further into the world of a cabin attendant. It starts off with our Yayoi wondering when they will be able to finally wear the uniform of a cabin attendant. Sekiyama reveals theres only a week left till they are finally given the chance. However theres also a catch. There would be exams before they are allowed the chance and the exams are known for being tough. Misaki doesn’t make a big deal out of it but the wicked trio is quick to point out that in their eyes, shes not fit to wear the uniform either. But as always, Misaki brushes off their comments. Mikami walks in on their excitement and tells them they had better be prepared for the Emergency training in the coming week, which is going to be hard, and then the exams as well, which will be harder. In Sekiyama’s words, Emergency Training is “a week of hell”.

The whole class is given one piece uniforms and after changing, assemble in fifteen minutes for the start. Misaki is all excited and deems this as her chance to show her potential. And so begins their training. Another reprimand of Misaki by Mikami earns the instructor this look:

Everyone moves into the plane areas for training. The main topic for the training in the whole week is how to respond in emergencies and how to safeguard passengers. As they demonstrate and go through the whole procedure, Mikami tells them to forget all the manners and polite speech they have learned so far. In these moments, they have to be firm and authoritative. Misaki laments having to forget all the polite words and manners she learned specifically for the job. But when told to demonstrate, she manages to go a little too beyond polite manners. Next, they practice landing on water. Misaki is having more fun than ever on the training and feels like it is all a piece of cake, smiling and enjoying herself, leading to Mikami yelling at her to take things more seriously. But not everyone is having the same happy luck as Mikami.

At the end of the day, everyone is exhausted and tired, complaining about all the labor and work they had to do along with how much they were scolded. Misaki, still in her bright outlook, tells them they ought to try harder since they want to wear the uniform. Here, Asou and her partner walk in on the girls and tell them (apart from Misaki) that they are free to ask for any help as it is a tough period they are going through. Asou and partner try to rile Misaki up but their efforts just backfire on themselves.

Meanwhile the next day, training continues like always and except Misaki, it takes most students lots of time to catch up. Sekiyama especially has a fear of sliding down from the plane. Misaki is as jolly as ever and Mikami is as worried for her as ever. But Misakis bright outlook gets her in trouble with her friends. While Sekiyama feels down for not being able to perform well, Misaki tells her to buckle up and do better or she wont be able to be a cabin attendant but Yayoi cuts her down harshly.

Meanwhile Shouta is preparing for the exam to become a certified engineer and his superior wishes him luck in his endeavor. He also warns him that unless he loves his job, it would become very lonely for him even if he did well. They are sitting chatting in yayoi’s fathers restaurant when yayoi and Sekiyama walk in. They left Misaki behind because she had additional classes. Yayoi chats with Shouta and before leaving, he tells her good luck for the exams and like a high school girl, she becomes all giddy and happy that he wished her luck. She is definitely into Shouta. When he smiles and thanks her before leaving, she all but practically melts down. That night as Sekiyama is walking home while practicing from her book, she sees the leader of the evil trio out with a strange looking guy (Sorry, I just haven’t been able to catch her name yet :P)

The next day brings the same optimistic Misaki. Yayoi tells Sekiyama to ignore her as they need to concentrate on their own performances. When  Misaki does compliment Yayoi on her work, Yayoi ignores her and walks away. After Mikami arrives and is telling the students what to do, the girl Sekiyama saw the last night comes running in and apologizes to Mikami for being late. (Finally saw her name, It’s Hirota). Even if Mikami does not buy her excuse, she lets it slide. Today, the focus is on how to treat a passenger who is ill in any manner. Hirota however, ends up making blunders today which is unusual for her. When everyone is puzzled by the change in Hirota, Sekiyama lets the others in on what she saw the night before. Another problem arises when Misaki and Hirota both slip into the pool while trying to unpack the lifeboat for passengers and start fighting. The incident leads to Misaki receiving another reprimand from Mikami.

Mikami scolds Misaki for being too lenient and non realistic with her performance and not taking things seriously. Misaki argues that its just training but Mikami tells her its better for her to leave if that is the attitude she is going to bring into her training. While Misaki is angry at Mikami for voicing things the way she did, she still does not take the scolding very seriously and decides shes already doing her best. When she runs into Tsutsumi and Captain on the elevator, she thinks aloud that Mikami must have a grudge against her. Captain advises her to think things through Mikamis perspective and then decide. That night, she and shouta run into each other again at the supermarket. They head out to dinner again and Misaki relays all her frustrations to him and tells him, if the engineers do their work properly, there shouldn’t be any need for emergency situations. Shouta calls her out on her stupid logic. She apologizes for her words, but its too late and Shouta leaves once again before his dinner arrives.

Training continues to the last day. Mikami announces the exams would be the next day and that everyone should do their best. While misaki is all happy and looking forward to celebrating, everyone else is dead tired. Alone on her way home that night Misaki runs into Tsutsumi who is stalking someone. Turns out, he is stalking Hirota who is again with a ‘scary looking’ guy. Tsutsumi imagines all kinds of bad scenarios and decides to save Hirota, dragging Misaki along.


They head upstairs into the building following Hirota and the guy to find her upstairs with four strong, athletic guys checking her muscles and arms and all. This scares Tsutsumi even more. He pushes Misaki ahead to handle the rescue. She goes in all stern and serious, cross armed. Before anyone can say anything or respond in action, she drags Hirota away with her. The guys only follow them to the emergency staircase. Running down, all three get into an elevator. While Misaki and Tsutsumi are scared, Hirota is surprised and asks them what they are doing. Misaki and Hirota almost get into a fight but Tsutsumi tries to stop them. Unfortunately, he is pushed away by Misaki and ends up on the floor. Suddenly, the elevator stops.



Mikami is sitting in her office contemplating a few things when the Principal walks in. Although Mikami wants to pass all the students, she reasons that it might not be possible. But the principal, optimistic as he is, tells her things are not as difficult as they may seem.


Trapped in the elevator, Misaki, Tsutsumi and Hirota call out for help but no one seems to be around to hear them. Misaki and Hirota get back to fighting and this time, Tsutsumi makes a rather weak attempt to stop them. He has a bigger worry at hand. Mother nature has come calling. And the security guard, it turns out, is asleep. Hirota worries they might miss the exam tomorrow if this continues, after all, its past two in the morning but Misaki says it’s still not tomorrow so they needn’t worry about that so soon. Hirota tells her to be more serious or they wouldn’t be able to wear the uniform but Misaki tells her shes the one who is pretending, always saying stuff in class yet being out late on the day before the exam. Hirota tells her she disliked her from the very first day of orientation, where she herself had arrived at the orientation before the others whereas Misaki had walked  in at the very last moment and took a seat in the very first row. Misaki reasons it wasn’t her fault. After all, that was the only seat left so there was nothing she could do. They are about to have another go at each other but Tsutsumi cries out that he can’t take it anymore. Both turn to look at him. He says he really needs… to go to the toilet.



Meanwhile, morning has come. Everyone is gathered for the exam. No one is surprised that Misaki isn’t there and do not seem to mind either but everyone worries about where Hirota is. In the elevator, Hirota is worried about missing the exam and finally tells the other two what she was doing the previous night. She had joined a gym in this building and the guys were the instructors in the gym. So much for saving the damsel in distress! At the exam centre, attendance is called out and the missing are noted. Mikami says the missing will not be allowed to take in the exam. The reason Hirota started gym was to improve her body as there were many tasks she found daunting in the training where she was unable to lift heavy objects easily. Whats more, Hirota wants to become a cabin attendant and then find a nice guy to marry through her job. Misaki tells her it’s a pretty dream. But turns out, that’s not all there is to hirota. The main reason she is pursuing this job is because she wants to be more self confident. Her family has little money and she is always accepting her elder sister’s hand me downs. Now, she wants to strive and make an identity for herself the way she wants. Misaki is touched by Hirota’s story. It’s the first time shes been honest with her and it reminds Misaki of her own self, where she wears the clothes left by her brothers. Realizing the time, she starts beating on the elevator door, shouting for someone to come open. Hirota points out its already late but she keeps at it. Hirota sees her determination and joins in. Finally someone hears them and comes to their rescue. When the door opens, Misaki grabs Hirota. Tsutsumi is frozen in place.



The test is now almost finished and only the last group has to perform. Misaki and Hirota reach but Mikami won’t let them take the exam. Realizing there’s no use to asking again, Misaki asks Mikami to at least let Hirota appear, a request which surprises everyone. Mikami does not respond but just then the principal enters, apologizing for being late. Realizing this is a chance to allow Misaki and Hirota to appear in the test, she tells them to go change and hurry back. The test passes smoothly and well. Even the other instructor is impressed. Even Sekiyama gets her good moment and is able to slide down smoothly.


There is a meeting to discuss whether all students passed or not. Misaki takes this opportunity to look for Shouta and say sorry for her behavior and words last time, which she now realize were cruel. He watches her going back with a smile. The next day, Mikami reveals they have all passed. Everyone is jubilant. Hirota actually passes Misaki a genuine and happy smile. They are not yet friends, but Hirota has accepted Misaki and now trusts her. Mikami hands out everyones uniform. While everyone changes and arrives back, Misaki is late yet again.



Hope you enjoyed the ride through episode three! ^_^

About hitomiakiko

Architect and Aspiring Writer

Posted on October 26, 2011, in Asian Cinema, Entertainment, Japanese Cinema, Potpourri, Recaps, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Did Mikami Akiko go to Aberdeen, Washington, USA with a group of students when she was in High School? We would like to hear from her if she is the same one.

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